Feliks Sarv’s bog impressions at Vabaduse Gallery
On Friday, August 16 at 5 p.m., graphic artist Feliks Sarv will open his exhibition „A Singular Performance“ at Vabaduse Gallery. The exhibition can be visited until 11.09.2024.
For the first time, Feliks Sarv will present a solo exhibition at the Vabaduse Gallery. A selection of his drawings from 2024 will be on display, the process of their creation having been inspired by the artist’s hikes to several Estonian bogs at sunrise. Executed mainly in charcoal and pastel, the series is charged with strong impressions of nature, and the expressive handwriting alternates with occasionally recognisable nature motifs, as well as other introspective and figurative details, offering the viewer a wide scope for discovery. The drawings are accompanied by the author’s own photographs and diary entries from the same bog walks.
The artist has described the background to his recent creative practice as follows:
„During the process of creating the pieces, it became increasingly clear that I was actually focusing more and more on my inner world. Something has touched me so deeply during these journeys in the bog that at one point secret doors to the ‘back chambers of the inner world’ have opened up, the site and substance of which I had previously had some idea of, but which I had not yet been able to access.
When I started working, I had one main idea in mind – to bring about an energy in the exhibition space that would seemingly fill the room with what I had experienced on these hikes. This whole process of creating my exhibition was based on the liberating principle that at my age, people no longer write drafts…just speak your truth. I admire the feeling that was evoked during the creation of these works.“
Feliks Sarv (b. 1954) is a freelance graphic artist, designer and art educator. He graduated from the Department of Graphic Art at the Estonian State Institute of Art (now the Estonian Academy of Arts) in 1983. Sarv has taken part in numerous exhibitions in Estonia and internationally since 1980 and won recognition with his works at the Tallinn International Drawing Triennial, as well as with several art competitions locally and abroad. From 2007 to the present, Sarv has been a lecturer in composition and drawing at the Estonian Academy of Arts, having previously worked there also as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Drawing and as a Senior Laboratory Assistant at the Department of Graphic Art. In addition, Sarv has worked for a number of years at Tallinn University of Technology – as Associate Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urban Studies, Associate Professor and Lecturer at the Centre of Engineering Graphics, Lecturer at the School of Science, Head Designer at the Department of Public Relations and at the General Department. Sarv is a member of the Estonian Artists’ Association and Association of Estonian Printmakers.
Image: Sarv, Feliks. Birth (fragment). Charcoal, pastel, ink on paper. 2024.