Ivar Kaasik. Picture

We are pleased to invite you to the opening of Ivar Kaasik`s solo
exhibition “Picture. Pilt.” at Gallery Vabaduse on Thursday, July 25th 2013 at 5 PM.

“Ivar Kaasik´s pictures are concretions, concretions of a process over
time. On homogeneous smooth grounds, which either consist of rejected
paintings now sanded-down and multi-layered, or of monochrome
undercoats, Kaasik performs his intervention that creates a single
picture. He uses a squeegee or a brush to push a wide and even coat of
paint over the images that are already present. This creates a symbiosis
between a picture of the past and its completion in the present. This is
the moment that provides meaning in the painting of Ivar Kaasik.”

Harald Hofbauer
